We at Global Nice Tech strictly adhere and follow all guidelines mentioned in our terms and conditions and we would recommend to go through this page, along with the privacy policy for having a clear understanding of the services offered by us. The website along with its content and company logo are the exclusive property of the Global Niche Tech. We reserve complete rights of the material present on website hence it cannot be modified, copied, posted, reproduced or republished in any form without attaining a written consent from the management of Global Niche Tech. In case if any of our work is found to be used unauthorized, then it will be considered as a violation of the law pertaining to trademark, copyright or any other applicable legal laws. We reserve rights to take legal action against the party who illegally try to use our work.


All clients are required to read and acknowledge the terms and condition of company through an email confirmation which is also coupled with checking the acknowledgement box. In case client is not able to accept the terms and conditions within the 30 days defined time period then the offer presented by the company will be marked as withdrawn. The same client can inquire for any of our services however new terms and price estimations will be considered.On the approval of our terms and services the client consents to receive advertising or promotional emails regarding the services we provide. The emails usually include information about extra offers or technological advancements which is the company is following. For unsubscribing email us by sending a blank email having subject showing “unsubscribe” from our official email address. ( contact@localhost)



    We deal in following method of payment for processing business transactions which is the merchant account transactions. In case if there is failure in payment some late payment fee will be incurred, the rate of which will be defined at the time of service confirmation.


    Clients and visitors who have any queries regarding Global Niche Tech Terms and conditions then contact us on the below mentioned information:
